I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Back to Los Angeles for the First Time

I'm going to start blogging again. I'm sure millions of fans worldwide are breaking out the champagne and party hats.

Even if I just get my 5 or 6 readers back, I'm more interested in recording what I experience over the next few months.
Also, I'm going to forget some awesomely fruity-ass LA stories if I don't put them to print -or at least e-print- here.

So for an appetizer....

I went to see an Upright Citizen's Brigade show a few days ago. Actually, I've gone to a couple UCB shows now. I think they're very good, very funny. It's really a shame that some of these guys don't have their own TV show (again), but I'm sure they've got something in the works.

The UCB theater is on Franklin Avenue in Hollywood. It's across the street from the Scientology Celebrity Center. Which of course only increases the chances of seeing some really bizarre crap.
The last time I looked up at the center, I could see people moving around on the 3rd or 4th floor. I wanted to throw a rock at the window.
"Run! Run for your lif...run for your millions of dollars and reputation! RUUUNN!"
But I think they would 1. Not hear me. 2. Have me arrested for the rock thing and 3. I would have felt silly if was just a maid or something. I mean, she's not losing anything in the name of Xenu, right?

So while outside the theater waiting for the show, I'm drinking some coffee and people watching.
Suddenly... There he was. The King Fish of people watching. The crown jewel of passer-bys strolled right down the street. Our eyes even locked for a second.

A gentleman in his late 40's or so. Dressed as anyone would for a cool January walk in Hollywood. He was wearing black stretch pants with some sort of t-shirt and an old-style biker jacket with lots of chains and bedazzles on it. This otherwise simple ensemble was punched up with a pair of very large, steel-framed knee pads/braces. He had a 1980's fanny pack with bight blue rubber gloves hanging off the fanny pack and giant aviator-style goggles.
The goggles were set off against a lemony shade of bleached blonde receding hair.

He was obviously an artist and wanted a reaction. Sadly, most people walked on by without batting an eye. I know that he noticed me noticing him. I don't know if he thought he had "blown my mind" or if he wanted a date.
I suppose ultimately he succeeded. Here I am telling literally half a dozen people about it.

I think it's about time that Mr. Bluegloveskneebraceaviatorgoggles became a star!!!


Blogger Puttin said...

HOLY CRAP!!!! A POST!!!! Had to be said. Now I will go back and read what you said Mikey.

8:48 PM

Blogger Puttin said...

Nice post Mikey. Can't wait to hear more about LA.

Take Care!

8:52 PM

Blogger BIG said...


10:31 AM

Blogger MrSitcom said...

That's the best Hollywood story ever!

4:27 AM


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