I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Fun At Last In Real Time

Long ago, Bill Maher became some sort of bizarre toolbag of epic proportions.
Honest to God, it's not because he changed his opinions.

Bill Maher was -more or less- a Libertarian when POLITICALLY INCORRECT first started.
The people he had on the show were usually more or less intellectually and educationally balanced. In other words, he wouldn't have a token conservative on to get out-yelled by a couple respected Liberals.

If there were two entertainers, there would generally be one pundit conservative or journalist to slap around the loosey-goosey regurgitate ideologies.

Some time ago (so long ago, I don't recall when it happened) Bill was embraced by Hollywood. Probably about the time his show moved from Comedy Central to CBS. He became a mouthpiece for every mealy-mouthed liberal movement from socialized medicine to opposing school vouchers (which he used to support). Basically, everything short of animal rights (tee-hee...I can't even say it without giggling).

Tonight, he had Christopher Hitchens, George Galloway and Andrea Mitchell. It was the "Brit" Real Time.
Andrea Mitchell I'd seen on TV before, and I've read lots of Hitchens. I wasn't familiar with Galloway. It turns out that Galloway is essentially part of anti-Semitic Europe and in parliament (not George Clinton's band but Great Britian's version of Congress).

The fun part was watching Christopher Hitchens take apart Galloway and Maher like a piece of fried chicken. They were getting onto the idea of the war "creating 10,000 Bin Ladens" and that they hate us because of the war.

"They" being fundamentalist Islam, have hated us forever. Hitchens told a great story about the first attack from the Middle East on the US coming in the 17th century. He gave good reason for why this idea is nonsense, and outright attacked Galloway for bending over for the Middle East.

Maher's response? He quickly changed the topic to KATE MOSS!!

Maher can be quoted any number of times for criticizing the media and America (and not wrongly) about focusing on the wrong things such as celebrity.

I guess when the flash and pizazz of celebrity can save you face and deflect from an intellectual and ideological ass-kicking, it's all good.


Blogger Professor Mouth said...

Yes, Bill Maher is a self-aggrandizing tool.

That being said, The U.S. didn't exist in the 17th Century. Most likely Hitchens was just stinko drunk.

6:27 PM

Blogger Mikey Y said...

No, I was drunk when I wrote THIS. The year was 17-something, so the 18th century...
My bad.

9:00 PM


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