Who Are We Kidding?
The murderer of Theo Van Gogh is getting life in prison.
While I don't know much about the legal system in the Netherlands, I suppose this is the best anyone could hope for.
What I'm really interested in lately is the world, Hollywood, the Right, the Left, and just about everyone else ignoring what's going on in the Netherlands.
Putting aside Iraq, 9/11, 7/7/05, the bombing of the USS Cole, the first attack on the World Trade Center, and all sorts of other attacks from Islam on the West, the Netherlands fascinates me the most.
The Muslim population of the Netherlands has skyrocketed over the past few years. Coincidentally, rape, gay-bashing, and other violent attacks on just about everyone not Muslim has gone up anywhere from 100 to 1000% depending on who you listen to and trust.
Regardless, it's undeniable by any rational person from any political leaning that the influx of Muslims into one of the most laid-back, socialist, hippie-friendly places on planet Earth has resulted in a DRASTIC increase in violence and intolerance.
Yet, the Left says nothing. Hollywood says nothing. And for that matter, much of the Right says nothing as well. The Emperor is wearing new clothes, but they're drenched in the blood of innocents .
It's only a few places where I've seen people write about the horrors of fundamentalist Muslims raping and murdering their merry way across the Netherlands. Ideologically, the Netherlands is a prime playground. It's remarkably liberal. It doesn't have a death penalty. It's absolutely PLUMP for the picking.
But for some residual PC reason, we can't talk about how fundamentalist Islam is a murderous sickness on the planet.
We can't talk about how it poisons every society it drives, or infects through immigration.
It seems to me that Muslims that are more interested in prosperity and progress move to America, and are counted as heretics.
These Muslims basically become more or less indistinguishable from any other fundamentalists here in the US; they support certain ideals. They'll politic for them, they'll sign petitions, but they don't blow people up.
I'm simply disturbed that we are incapable of even acknowledging the horrors that are occurring in plain site. If we can't even address these events in the media, how are we going to actually combat them at a cultural level?
Your link (under the word, "raping") doesn't work.
As for the effects that fundamentalist Islam is having on The Netherlands, I'm sure it's bad. But I was wondering whether you knew of any data out there we could look at?
7:16 AM
As you suspected, the "raping" like connects to some data within a blog, with lots of other data links.
I've fixed it and it seems to work now.
8:48 AM
To all my readers...I had a couple drinks in me when I wrote this...my only regret is the Emperor's New clothes line. It's a bit much.
8:52 AM
Damn. I was about to belittle you for the "drenched in blood of innocents" crap.
Well... you're still a homo!
7:30 PM
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