Ronny strikes fear into the hearts of commies...
Today I went to an art colony in Los Angeles. You actually go into the artist's living space which they turn into a gallery twice a year for this event.
Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the work. Sure, there were plenty of very amateurish displays like doll's heads nailed to a canvas with splashes of red paint on them (zzzzzzzzzzzzz) and lots of "my womb is powerful" type art. But plenty of these artists actually made practical art for movies, some were graphic artists (you know, artists that make money), and I think most of the sculptors were really interesting.
When I went today, I consciously wore my Reagan "Che" shirt. I figured if there was anywhere fun to wear my Reagan shirt in LA, it's at an artist's colony. It was indeed fun.
I got four or five comments, about ten double-takes, and dozens (I'm not kidding) of glares. You'd think I had a mass murderer on my chest or something.
However, one guy very sincerely said "nice shirt" to me in such a way that made me feel like I was the Ed Norton character in American History X revealing my Nazi tattoos looking for like-minded individuals in a sea of people who wanted to beat my ass. The guy was clearly making a point that he thought I was "brave" to sport my colors so deep in the crips territory.
incidentally, all the other comments about the shirt were from people who obviously thought I was wearing the shirt to be ironic. This city is so comically single-minded that it wouldn't occur to somebody for a second that I was wearing the shirt because I thought Reagan was a great leader and a champion of freedom.
So I flipped out and totally kicked all the commies right in their communal ass*.
*Sharing one ass made it much easier for me to kick. That many individuals have far too many asses for one fat guy to kick in one day.
I really like the Christian Ristow machines you linked to as "interesting" art. Quoting the website "The Subjugator is truly a mean machine. It weighs 5000 lbs, is capable of lifting 1500 lbs, can shoot a 15 foot stream of fire"
This reminded me of the "Colorado Man goes on Rampage with Homemade Tank" story from last year.
Perhaps the Colorado guy should have stated his rampage was an artistic expression.
8:08 AM
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