I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Shocked And In Awe

This weekend, Jami's mom is here. They're currently at the beach which is allowing me time for this first, quick post. I'll have at least 2 or 3 more blogs on this subject, as it's changed my entire worldview.

First of all, calling Jami's mom, um, difficult at times would be the nicest way to put it. It also wouldn't do the "Peggy Experience" justice to call it anything less than a Maelstrom.

I'll get into the mindgames and emotional blackmail later (it's amazing Jami has come away with as few scars as she has). For now, this little gem;


Peggy: Do you think twenty seconds is long enough to heat up a cup of water?

Me: No. (assuming she means in the microwave).

Peggy: Well, how long do you think then?

Me: At least forty seconds or so.

Peggy: Do you really think forty will be long enough? I'm putting it in for forty-five.


Blogger MrSitcom said...

Just don't put any radishes in her salad. You'll never hear the end of it.

5:30 PM

Blogger Puttin said...

Perhaps she was simply testing your knowledge of how microwave energy can be used to excite waters molecules whereas the resulting vibrations and collisions produce heat.

8:19 PM

Blogger BIG said...

Just fuckin' take yourself out now and save us all the energy.


12:51 AM


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