Real Quick
I'm working later and later the last few weeks of my job. All Hell broke out this week, and we're having to deal with it. All will be clear the first week of July.
At any rate, I just wanted to ask about something. While I'm pretty solidly in the McCain camp despite changes in some of his positions over the last few years, I decided I should see what the Democratic candidates are about besides the two rock stars, Clinton and Obama.
There were no real surprises with Biden, Dodd or the guys I've never heard of before.
What sorta shocked me was the platform of Dennis Kucinich. Now I knew he was -way- left. Left field left. I didn't know he was for completely government-run universal health care, a total ban on handguns, and open to -nothing- but diplomatic solutions with Iran.
Certainly, McCain has some ideas that very unpopular with his base, yet his strong pimp hand with international policy -despite coming off a disastrous Republican administration in that regard- is REALLY distasteful to his critics. Nevertheless, he plays the middle ground on a few things because, well, that's politics...and he wants to win.
I have a really, really hard time believing that with total universal health care and a complete ban on handguns, Dennis expects to get the job. If anything, I have to admire the asstastically crazy ballsitude it takes to really say the radical crap he believes in.
On the other hand, I feel sorry for his constituency. They're backing a dude who must know this approach will never fly, not how he's couching it.
This post was written in 6 minutes before work. I should elaborate, but I think you get the gist.
So, does he -really- think he can get crowned prom king with this, or does he just want to be at the party?
I suppose, that if he doesn't believe it, no one else will either.
9:05 AM
I know there are plenty of people that support both these positions, but these are not presidency-winning platforms, you know what I mean?
I think McCain (whom I support) makes some of the same mistakes, but to a much smaller degree. He still has a platform (more or less) that has something for both sides to at least consider appealing.
The Kster seems to be begging for marginalization.
11:13 AM
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