A + B = Starbucks
I started my new job on Tuesday. It's totally awesome, and it's for a very big show in comparison to what I've worked on in the past.
But what this entry is about, is location, location, location.
Six or seven months ago when I didn't even have my own place yet, I was driving someplace I hadn't been to before. I don't even remember where I was going. However, I knew that I could get Starbucks on the way there.
Why is that?
Easy. Because if you live in West Hollywood, Hollywood, or the surrounding area there is about a 98.7% chance that during any drive between point A and point B, you will pass a Starbucks.
I honestly put this into practice. I looked for a Starbucks on the way to anywhere. It stood up to multiple tests.
My NEW job is in Sherman Oaks, which is just inside the Valley. For the uninitiated, going to the Valley when you live in Hollywood is sort of a big deal.
Fortunately, I'm driving the opposite direction of traffic. Most people are driving from the Valley to Hollywood or downtown in the morning, and back at 6.
I assumed that there would be a Starbucks in the valley in between the exit and my office. As fate would have it, my office is only about 3 blocks from the exit...and no Starbucks.
Since there was so little traffic I got to work much faster than I estimated. I had about 25 minutes to spare to look for my coffee joint of choice.*
I chose the busiest looking cross-street and headed in a random direction.
Distance to the closest Starbucks; .3 miles.
*While I like Starbucks just fine, it's really my first choice because we have a stack of free drink coupons from when Jami worked at the Bucks of the Star.
I am fortunate enough to only have a handfull of Starbucks in my city, and although they are considered the predominant refreshment of everyone I know, I will stick with my "No liquid ciggarette" regimen.
Also, I am glad you are doing well.
5:10 AM
Isn't Sherman Oaks where they make all the movies about cock?
11:42 AM
Rwaelde- I certainly don't deny that Starbucks is a very burnt bean. I don't think I liked it the first 3 or 4 times I had it. Now I dig it.
I used to make fun of beer drinkers for this learning curve, but here I am holding a hot cup of of hypocrite java.
I don't know about Sherman Oaks, but I know they make lots of nudie pictures in Van Nuys, but I think the Valley was once called "Porn Valley".
11:29 PM
Starbucks gives coupons?!
5:35 AM
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