Bold Performances about 80's Halflings
Over the past two years, I've become quite fond of Dungeon Majesty.
Recently a friend of mine in LA and I talked about it. He didn't like it much because he didn't like the production values and thought it was a little hokey.
I told him to watch it with the assumption that the creators embrace, for postmodern irony. They play it to the hilt, and to the death like Andy Kaufman would have.
The newest video by DM is a partnership with a woman named Leslie Hall.
If there were any doubt about the tone that DM embraces...this latest piece pretty much lets it all hang out.
"you been launched into spaaaaaaaaAAAAce!"
Leslie Hall is fucking great.
5:55 AM
Although I am a little biased towards Dungeon Majesty, I have to say that anyone who thinks that is anything other than pure genious is themselves a player hater 2 the max!
5:34 PM
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