I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

They really, really don't love you

I have not made time to blog lately, even a little bit. Here's a quick work story.

Oh, work is going fine, I like it quite a bit even though it's long hours some days. There. Outoftheway.

So I'm casting a big honkin' reality show that's on a real network and everything. You know, one of the networks from back when there were only three.

I overheard this conversation the other day;
A casting producer is showing somebody else a picture of an applicant. A drop-dead gorgeous applicant.

Somebody Else: Hmmm. So, is she considered "hot" in that part of the country?

Casting Producer: Well, she's won some regional beauty contests.

SE: So you're telling me she'll play in Peoria.*

CP: She's from Illinois.

SE: I guess it's going to be a house full of fat thighs and big noses.

While in my office I hear the term "fly-over states" every other day. I've heard "those people" said of Midwesterners in a tone that would make the most hard-boiled Southern bigot blush.

This being the biggest show I've worked on to date, I keep my mouth shut and my eyes on my desk.

For people paying daily lip service to the temple of open-mindedness and hold prejudice right up there with murder and rape, they're pretty disdainful of anyone that lives east of Pomona until you hit the Holland Tunnel.

* I guess they really do still say that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know when it airs, I will boycott it in your honor.

11:12 AM


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