I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

I will post my full Gencon report tomorrow, but I wanted to post this while it was fresh in my head.

I think this show is really quite funny. I don't like many sitcoms, and this one works. I have a weakness for characters that enjoy doing terrible things, and frankly, that's all this show is about.

It owes a huge, undeniable debt to Seinfeld. One inventive critic called it "Seinfeld on crack". While I imagine Seinfeld on crack would just be a skinny Jerry laying in an alley covered in his own vomit and shivering for 22 minutes, I suspect the riewer was trying to embrace some sort of hipster sensibility..from about 10 years ago.

At any rate, these guys are quite good at being self-absorbed, selfish assholes...but I still like them. I find I usually hate a lot of the smarmy jerkstores that pass as the token toolbag on so many sitcoms. Maybe it's simply because on a regular network they don't have the courage of conviction to commit, and the token toolbag saves a kitten, or maybe takes a limey orphan under his wing for an episode and tussles his hair at the end.

So for what it's worth, check it out. I've only seen one episode from the first season and I don't recall being impressed. Either it was a bad example, or they got much better in the second season.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i watched the first episode of the first season and didn't like it at all. but, with this mikey recommendation, i'll have to check it out. from the commercials i've seen, danny devito seems to be a deplorable character...and that is just the thing to get me to watch.

5:14 AM

Blogger Mikey Y said...

You know, I left that part out. I too saw an episode from early season 1 and wasn't thrilled.

I've seen most of season 2 and I quite liked it.

It happens...

10:05 PM


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