I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Silver Lining

While I have really big blog entry coming up (probably late tonight) I just wanted to point out one of the silver linings to 9/11, the Jihad against America and the war in Iraq;
Middle-eastern actors are getting a ton of work. Or, at least they just have to look middle-eastern.
The TV was on in the background while I wrote for a little while today. During one commercial break there was a doublemint gum commercial with a white guy and an Arab singing the doublemint song. It was so hilariously awesome because they really didn't look anything alike, so it was quite amusing. I guess you'd have to see it, but it was even funnier than Robin Williams.

Right after that commercial was one set in an office. I don't know what the product was, because I was like "damn, look at all the A-rabs that office employs! There must be four of 'em! The better not make fun of Allah, or they'll have themselves a fax-machine Jihad!"

Never mind commercial work, but the load of films that have come out lately that essentially blame America for 9/11, TV shows where the Arabs are good guys and Neo-Nazis are the criminals, and all manner of topical, common-sense current events. I don't know about you, but I for one am sick of all these neo-nazis ruining everything!

Good thing that thar Tee-Vee is showin' me that they is good people, or I might load up ma pick-up with some beer and my good 'ol boys and go shoot me up some A-rabs...YEEEEE-HAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!
Ka-pew! Ka-pow! Ka-pow! (miming shooting six-guns into the air)


Blogger BIG said...

It would really be funny if you were, in fact, miming the guns.

My uncle was a gunminer.

4:01 PM

Blogger Mikey Y said...

Guh. I feel terrible for that unfortunate typo. Especially because the gunminer joke is awesome.

5:53 PM


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