I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Unintentional Markets

I check about 5 jobsites two times a day. Today I saw a PR job for a toy company, which is something I've done before. I clicked on the link, and it lead to the company responsible for this product.

Now I'm sure they think this will sell to little girls. Who knows, stranger things have happened. But I know a certain subculture that's literally going to cream their collective furry jeans over this one.

I've been remiss in poking fun at a certain hee-larrrrious group for their sexual proclivities. I know, I know, it goes against my "coastal elitist backlash" backlash. It's totally hypocritical. Or is it?

I don't think furries are less as human beings (well, except...that's what they really WANT, but I don't literally think that), or dumber, or anything of the sort. If anything, they should get points for originality and boldness.

It's just that it's so fucking funny. What gets them hard is fall down hilarious.

So at any rate, these dolls are only going to end up as fetish toys or unknowing action-figure pornstars in stop-action amateur furry porno. I think that will be a category in next year's Oscars.


Blogger BIG said...

You forgot to add alink to that weird fox-man art site the Bob always posts.

The picture of the chick in the costume is pretty poop-yer-pants funny.

8:47 PM


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