I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Potpourri? Popuorri? Poop-puri?

I think it's the first one...wait, I'll spell check...yup. The first one. I didn't know that.
So I've been chastised by a follower blogger that I don't post often enough. So I'll post in the now.
Oh, except you, other blogger that might read this; your posts about your day-to-day are fascinating.
So spyware created by demons, Baptists, or Dentists has invaded my computer. It's put a full-screen "SPYWARE MAY BE INFECTING YOUR SYSTEM" ad on my desktop. It covers my background, but not my shortcuts. No shit I've got spyware. Your shitty ad is covering my awesome, kick-ass Pride background of Mirko Cro-Cop knocking Mark Coleman the fuck out.
So I spend about an hour a day fighting this spyware which is also slowing my system down. Additionally, I can't log onto City Of Heroes for some reason. It's just as well. I'm really not playing many video-games lately. I'm mostly staying productive.
How, may you ask?
By researching a project for a friend and myself to become ball-smashing, world-owning movie moguls. My rise to power is too far past due.
Also, I'm working on other little projects like my t-shirts, Ebaying, and cleaning this place up.

My bunny rabbits are being so cute right now, I want to punch Oliver Stone right in the face.

They're running around chasing each other, kicking their heels up reminding me how gut-wrenchingly terrible ALEXANDER was.

Oh, I also won a film festival. See the link for how the thing worked. My team, The Roamin' Polanski's, won a graphics package from a local post house, a case of Red Bull, tickets to the local arthouse theater, and a day's shooting on the Disney backlots. The backlots thing is valued at 8 grand, but I'm not sure why. There's not much there to shoot anymore...we'll see what we do with it.

At this very moment, The Ashlee Simpson show is on while I type this. It has a very bizarre hypnotic effect on me. It's not like watching The Simple Life (which I do) because Paris and Nicole are very certainly going to hell. This topic doesn't need a rant, it should an obvious given.
Ashlee, on the other hand, honestly seems like a sweet girl. She's an astronomically spoiled, privileged, lucky, and beautiful girl. So life must be tough. I guess that's what I find funny about this, and the Nick and Jessica show. It's hard to create conflict or drama when life fucking rules. When they get all weepy about a problem that a regular person would trade everything to give two shits about, it's embarrassing.

Well, I've got to ship some Ebay stuff, file my Ohio taxes, and go buy comic books.

Also, my bunnies just yawned. I now have to go kick Michael Bay in the pouch.

OH! PS (Joe, Bob, Chris, possibly Jim?) The American version of The Office is on tonight. I don't think we'll be able to judge from the first one how it will be, since it's a shot for shot remake of the first episode, but we can get a handle on the performances.


Blogger Joe said...

Great post, Yates... very funny.

7:48 PM

Blogger BIG said...

Good to see you figured out the "blog" function.

11:50 PM

Blogger Puttin said...

I watched the last few minutes of the Office last night. I was certain The Apprentice ran from 9:00pm - 10:00pm and figured they would throw in the Office at 10 and push back ER..

Anyway, what I saw did not make me laugh. I tuned in at the part were a guy was accusing his admin of stealing post-it notes.

6:44 AM

Blogger Puttin said...

I watched the last few minutes of the Office last night. I was certain The Apprentice ran from 9:00pm - 10:00pm and figured they would throw in the Office at 10 and push back ER..

Anyway, what I saw did not make me laugh. I tuned in at the part were a guy was accusing his admin of stealing post-it notes.

6:47 AM

Blogger Puttin said...

I watched the last few minutes of the Office last night. I was certain The Apprentice ran from 9:00pm - 10:00pm and figured they would throw in the Office at 10 and push back ER..

Anyway, what I saw did not make me laugh. I tuned in at the part were a guy was accusing his admin of stealing post-it notes.

6:47 AM

Blogger Mikey Y said...

Did you see the original British version Pook?

Did you see the original British version Pook?

Did you see the original British version Pook?

12:11 PM

Blogger Puttin said...

Nope, but I would like too.

Sorry for the multiple posts. The Proxy server at my work times out and I guess when I click refresh it creates duplicate posts.

12:06 PM


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