Man-Bear Pig
This is shocking, -shocking- information about AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH.
The man that wrote "Earth in the Balance" got something wrong?
I'm stunned for the day...
I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.
This is shocking, -shocking- information about AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH.
So... why is it that one guy is wrong and another is right?
Is junk science junk science because someone called it junk?
So, pollution and the like is no problem whatsoever? I mean it must be, because Al Gore is boring, but also alarming. What if fuckers ought to be alarmed? Wouldn't an alarmist come into play?
So, we find an MSN article or a Reuters story saying that someone who has no reason to start some shit says that he's actually the one who is right because he's a special kind of scientist. Willard Scott meets Robert Langdon.
You, Bloggy, have never run an Arby's before, but I'd bet you could do it better than the poor schlep down the street who has been seasoning the curly fries for years. Does that mean you're an alarmist?
Is there an authority to data that's absolutely 100% chaotic? Do you have a single goddamn original thought?
Mr. Hanks would like his coffee now. Black. Like his co-star.
7:26 PM
Were you drunk when you wrote that?
I mean, I supposed to seriously reply?
If you're serious, Junk Science was more or less invented by Guido Calabresi, a lawyer who went to Yale in the early 70's.
I'm not sure if the guy that wrote Galileo's Revenge invented the term "junk science" or not, but the book builds a very damning case against Calabresi and his part in it's creation.
Coincidentally (not at all), Calabresi was appointed to the US Court of Appeals by Clinton.
It's lawyer crap. Not science crap. Does your Arby's thing mean that lawyers (in this case, Gore) make better scientists than...scientists?
I think basic competence (like running an Arby's) doesn't quite compare to the Cambridge-educated PhD. that runs the Geophysical lab at James Cook University.
Being alarmist ends ups hurting the planet more than it ever helps. If we spend billions to stop something that isn't happening, then we didn't spend that time and money on any -actual- environmental emergencies.
Also, the burdon of proof is on these assholes now.
Let's see;
The hole in the ozone layer,
the impending ice age predicted in the 70's,
silicone breast implants,
alar pesticide on apples,
BGH in milk,
the "Population Bomb",
"frankenfoods" (my favorite, which I've blogged about before),
and on and on...
All wrong. All bullshit. Some of these things bankrupted companies and put thousands out of work.
It's not helpful to politicize science. If you'd like an example from the other side...the day after pill.
It prevents conception rather than destroying a brand-new embryo. No life taken, under any argument.
It SHOULD end the abortion debate in America, but both parties really need that lightning rod for votes.
I'm not sure I understood all your post, but did that help explain some of it?
12:21 AM
Interesting to note that Bob Carter contributes to "Tech Central Station":
"ExxonMobil gave the Foundation $95,000 in 2003 for "Climate Change Support."
According to Washington Monthly, TCS is published by the DCI Group, "a prominent Washington public affairs firm specializing in P.R., lobbying, and so-called 'Astroturf' organizing, generally on behalf of corporations, GOP politicians, and the occasional Third-World despot." TCS shares office space, staff and ownership with DCI Group. ("Meet the Press" Washington Monthly, December 2003.
Corporate funders of Tech Central Station include AT&T, Avue Technologies, The Coca-Cola Company, General Motors Corporation, Intel, McDonalds, Merck, Microsoft, Nasdaq, PhRMA, and Qualcomm (Tech Central Station website).
Also interesting to note that he has gone on record stating that ""contrary to strong public belief, the effects of increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are generally beneficial."
In other words, don't discount every bit of information in Al Gore's film (which you probably haven't even seen) based solely on the comments of ONE man in Australia.
6:30 AM
Yeah. Because I asked who coined the term "junk science". I didn't even THINK of going to Wikipedia myself.
As a matter of fact - I WAS drunk. Suck it, faggo!
7:19 AM
I didn't wikipedia anything.
I own "Galileo's Revenge".
I read a book without colorful pictures of fags flying around one time (although, to be fair, I do read those too).
and anon...
why do think this is?
Corporate funders of Tech Central Station include AT&T, Avue Technologies, The Coca-Cola Company, General Motors Corporation, Intel, McDonalds, Merck, Microsoft, Nasdaq, PhRMA, and Qualcomm (Tech Central Station website).
I'm curious what you think.
10:31 AM
You lost me at Mikey Y said...
11:54 PM
My question was just that I wondered what basis of authority is honored. Why listen to a douche-bag in Australia and not another douche-bag NOT in Australia? Why's one douche-bag right and the other wrong, but I already don't care. Go ahead and crown yourself super-smart knower of douche-bags and be done with it. You win.
11:56 PM
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