I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Ten days ago I was married to the wonderful love of my life. I'm super-giddy, happy and in all ways thrilled beyond belief.

Naturally, I thought I'd blog about Jews eating weird food.

I took this picture about a month and a half ago;

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

As you can see, it's 15 jars of Manischewitz Matzo Ball Soup and Whitefish in Jellied Broth.

I actually can't say anything bad about Matzo Ball soup. I've had it before, and it's tasty.

However I think the Whitefish in Jellied Broth is part of testing God's chosen people...it looks and smells like a half-decomposed donkey penis. I mean, I guess that's what it's like. Not that I would know.

The whole concept of "jellied fish" strikes me as something that only a grandparent or a weird foreigner would find appealing. It doesn't seem natural that a young guy with hipster sensibilities would embrace a food more fitting for a Moose Lodge Buffet or the main course at a JASA meeting.

Ultimately, who cares. Everyone likes all sorts of weird foods regardless of their ethnicity and whatnot. Joe would probably have love jellied fish if he had been a Korean Baptist for all I know.
But why 15 jars, that seems like so much...
Silly reader, they were on sale.


Blogger Joe said...

Hey, you know that old joke about the Jew's biggest dilemma - pork on sale. What did you think would happen when actual Jew food was made half price? LA is full of Jews, I'm surprised no one was trampled.

And what the hell are you doing with yourself that you have this much time to ruminate on my jellied fish?

5:37 PM

Blogger Mitch said...

you magnificent 1/2 jew bastard, i love ya.

4:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh fun fun funny.

7:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh fun fun funny.

7:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

stopping in to say congrats, mikey.

9:34 AM

Blogger Mikey Y said...

Thanks Lando!!!

Hey, I think I'm going to be in Atlanta for Dragoncon with my shirt booth again this year...it's in early September.

10:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay. i emailed you once at your b-o-d address. is that still a good way to get to you?

5:38 AM

Blogger Mikey Y said...

It ususally is, but I don't think I got your email.

Use producerzombie(at)hotmail.com

that might be better.

9:18 AM

Blogger Puttin said...

Balls soup and half-decomposed donkey penis. Definatly not gay.

9:05 PM

Blogger Puttin said...

Konicki was asking if Bloggy started writing for Dork Tower. Something about a Gong.


Look for June 12th

8:24 AM


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