I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bored + Stupid Equals Angry Mom

So I'm working on a show right now with a silly title. However, it's being hosted and moderated by a respected and real doctor.

If you've never, ever heard of this person but watch TV, I guess I could understand this mother being pissy.


However, an ounce of effort would reveal she's being a complete busy-body of crapulent proportions.

This network may have about eight or nine shows in production at one time that exploit teenager's sexuality; this is the -one show- that does not.

So naturally, she has her panties in a bunch, because she's from the OC and could probably be beaten by Coco the ape in chess.


Blogger I used to be Gigi Minor - but now I'm Annie Kight said...


Just got your comment on the cupcake delivery in Tucson...weird!!! When I Googled it - my blog didn't show up!
Anyway, have a nice evening~

5:30 PM


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