I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back to the basics...

Yeah, I quit for a while...sue me. I'll give all your money back.

At any rate, I've backlogged a few great "hollywood" stories. Some of them are really just Los Angeles stories, but all stuff that you only see in this city one way or another.

Fist up;

I walked to the comic book store last week. There was a large, buff black guy in camo fatigues sitting on the sidewalk on my block. He was writing something longhand on a legal pad. There were other bundles of hand-written pages around him with BIG TITLES across the top.

He was sitting in such a way that I couldn't see what the title of what he was working on.

On the way home, I could see the title; "KICKING ASS".

I totally want to read it.


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