I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Monday, January 31, 2005

The Great Communicator

So last week, I was supposed to have a meeting with my executive producer, Lance.

Lance is meeting with everyone quickly to make sure they understand how ratings work, go over their job description, and put names to faces. I don’t think he knew everyone’s name up until a few weeks ago. But give the guy a break; he’s only been here six months.
My meeting was postponed. I don’t know why mine was postponed, but I know a co-worker’s meeting was put off so Lance could pick up his dogs from the dog-sitter.
It’s hard to get Lance’s attention, for Lance is a very busy man. Last month, he was in a meeting with my boss, the marketing director of the show. During that meeting, Lance took a call about curtains for his house.

When Lance’s phone rings he immediately pulls it off his belt (from a sexy holster!) and looks at the display. I’m unsure as to why he examines the display as no call is too unimportant to take. The person standing in the room is always less important.
I’ve yet to see Lance in a meeting with the bigwigs or “suits”. The suits are the board of directors that own the companies that own our show. While I doubt that he actually takes calls while with the suits, I’m sure he breaks into a sweat due to the restraint.

So my meeting has been verbally re-scheduled for sometime this week. I very much doubt it will happen at all, since Lance regards me about as much as he regards the kid that bags his groceries. I really shouldn’t be too offended since, from what I gather, Lance doesn’t hold his wife or kids in very high regards either.
If my meeting does happen, I’m giddy with anticipation of the phone call that will end my meeting.

This is Lance….
Yes, I’d love to hear about your introductory zero percent APR!


Blogger BIG said...

I would do ANYTHING for his phone number and a heads up before your meeting.

I love you.

7:32 PM

Blogger Joe said...

There is only one solution to Lance... the final solution... put him in a vat of acid.

11:47 PM

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3:43 AM

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11:59 PM


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