I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I had never heard of this book series because I'm not in touch with my 14 year old cousins.

I have no idea if the movie is good or not, but it's brilliant marketing and an obvious flick to make.

Here's a great review of it.

If you can't be bothered with the whole review, just enjoy this nugget;

"It’s impossible to know for sure what’s going on inside Edward’s head because Pattinson is a horrible, horrible actor, delivering his lines with a Keanu Reeves-esque look of panicked confusion, like a moose that’s just woken up in a space shuttle."

I remember good and stuff

The person running the department for the show I currently work on came into me and my co-worker's quad cube area.

She bounced her nail on a photo of an applicant that was on our wall.

"This guy looks really familiar...did he apply for another show some time?"

Nobody knows because...none of us have worked for this company before.

"I'm sure I know his face, I have a photographic memory. I have a great memory for pictures and photographs."

I make enough money to make taking this job worthwhile. My boss makes over 3 times what I make.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bored + Stupid Equals Angry Mom

So I'm working on a show right now with a silly title. However, it's being hosted and moderated by a respected and real doctor.

If you've never, ever heard of this person but watch TV, I guess I could understand this mother being pissy.


However, an ounce of effort would reveal she's being a complete busy-body of crapulent proportions.

This network may have about eight or nine shows in production at one time that exploit teenager's sexuality; this is the -one show- that does not.

So naturally, she has her panties in a bunch, because she's from the OC and could probably be beaten by Coco the ape in chess.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back to the basics...

Yeah, I quit for a while...sue me. I'll give all your money back.

At any rate, I've backlogged a few great "hollywood" stories. Some of them are really just Los Angeles stories, but all stuff that you only see in this city one way or another.

Fist up;

I walked to the comic book store last week. There was a large, buff black guy in camo fatigues sitting on the sidewalk on my block. He was writing something longhand on a legal pad. There were other bundles of hand-written pages around him with BIG TITLES across the top.

He was sitting in such a way that I couldn't see what the title of what he was working on.

On the way home, I could see the title; "KICKING ASS".

I totally want to read it.