Letdown as relief
I really, really liked THE DEPARTED.
Frankly, I think it's a Scorsese masterwork, equal to GOODFELLAS and TAXI DRIVER.
Anywho, I knew it was a remake of INFERNAL AFFAIRS, which always bothered me a little bit.
I wondered how much of the brilliance of the movie -the things that I loved the most- were from a Hong Kong actioner.
Well, there was a DEPARTED/INFERNAL AFFAIRS double feature at one of the best theaters in the country, the New Beverly Theater. I was relieved to find out that the genius was largely Scorsese, the writer and his brilliant editor Thelma Schoonmaker.
I fell asleep during INFERNAL affairs about five times. And don't give me any crap about subtitles, pacing or cultural differences. I love THE SEVEN SAMURAI, and I've seen fucking TAMPOPO and DRIFTING WEEDS you uncultured baboons, so eat me.