I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

We had no idea! It was all hidden!!

This film is from the 60's.

The guy that founded Truth.com will hopefully get anally raped by a smoking demon made of money for all eternity...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

But when you back away, it's a big mess

Lost is like a reverse Monet.

Monet is the impressionist, right? So the old saying (or some saying, I don't really know much about painters) is that far away it looks great, but when you get up close, it's a big mess.

LOST is really quite good at short scenes. They're very dramatic. There are enough good actors in the show to make scenes really sizzle. The editing is good, and the style helps a lot. Honestly, there are some days when they lean on style like an old man leans on the railing in the subway.

But what it's terrible, no....what it's aggressively retarded about, is the big picture.

If you even examine three or four episodes in a row there are enough holes, logic gaps, leaps, and spastic reasoning on the part of the islanders one can only assume the "long arc" has been written by seventeen different people who all have a different (and stupid!) idea of what's going on.

The very clear and evident truth is, none of the writers know what's going on. It's fairly plain they have no idea what's going to happen from season to season, and I'm on the fence if they know what's going to happen three episodes out. I thought that was impossible in scripted TV with this sort of budget, but -something- is rotten in Denmark.

When you watch something like SEVEN, (where it's likely the writer came up with the awesome ending first and then figured out cool ways to get there) or better yet the masterfully crafted season arcs in THE WIRE, the short-term planning of LOST glares like the sun off Lock's head.

They really, really don't love you

I have not made time to blog lately, even a little bit. Here's a quick work story.

Oh, work is going fine, I like it quite a bit even though it's long hours some days. There. Outoftheway.

So I'm casting a big honkin' reality show that's on a real network and everything. You know, one of the networks from back when there were only three.

I overheard this conversation the other day;
A casting producer is showing somebody else a picture of an applicant. A drop-dead gorgeous applicant.

Somebody Else: Hmmm. So, is she considered "hot" in that part of the country?

Casting Producer: Well, she's won some regional beauty contests.

SE: So you're telling me she'll play in Peoria.*

CP: She's from Illinois.

SE: I guess it's going to be a house full of fat thighs and big noses.

While in my office I hear the term "fly-over states" every other day. I've heard "those people" said of Midwesterners in a tone that would make the most hard-boiled Southern bigot blush.

This being the biggest show I've worked on to date, I keep my mouth shut and my eyes on my desk.

For people paying daily lip service to the temple of open-mindedness and hold prejudice right up there with murder and rape, they're pretty disdainful of anyone that lives east of Pomona until you hit the Holland Tunnel.

* I guess they really do still say that.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Have Fun....

humming this all day. Possibly tomorrow. Until you take a drill to your temple.


Sunday, May 06, 2007


There is a whole magazine dedicated to graffiti. I've flipped though it once or twice, but I can't recall the name of it.

what I found amazing is that 90% of the graffiti I've ever seen, and most of the art in the magazine, is of the exact same style. The stylized writing that I assume got big in the 70's (I don't know when it came about) looks the same anywhere I've ever lived (note, the caption of that picture in the source is "different styles of graffiti"...really?).

At this long-abandoned Mobile Station exists the funniest piece of graffiti I've ever seen.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

I got nothin....

I'd love to rant about Cinco de Mayo, but I'm too exhausted.

I asked five Mexicans near my office today (yeah, on Saturday) what Cinco de Mayo was all about. I knew it was something to do with a battle and that it's not really celebrated in Mexico...and that's it.

It turns out that's two more facts than five random Mexicans in Sherman Oaks knew about the holiday.

Well, to be fair, it's possible three of them knew more about it but only two of them spoke English.

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!

Get your yard tended to or your car parked in celebration!