Ten days ago I was married to the wonderful love of my life. I'm super-giddy, happy and in all ways thrilled beyond belief.
Naturally, I thought I'd blog about Jews eating weird food.
I took this picture about a month and a half ago;

As you can see, it's 15 jars of Manischewitz Matzo Ball Soup and Whitefish in Jellied Broth.
I actually can't say anything bad about Matzo Ball soup. I've had it before, and it's tasty.
However I think the Whitefish in Jellied Broth is part of testing God's chosen looks and smells like a half-decomposed donkey penis. I mean, I guess that's what it's like. Not that I would know.
The whole concept of "jellied fish" strikes me as something that only a grandparent or a weird foreigner would find appealing. It doesn't seem natural that a young guy with hipster sensibilities would embrace a food more fitting for a Moose Lodge Buffet or the main course at a JASA meeting.
Ultimately, who cares. Everyone likes all sorts of weird foods regardless of their ethnicity and whatnot. Joe would probably have love jellied fish if he had been a Korean Baptist for all I know.
But why 15 jars, that seems like so much...
Silly reader, they were on sale.