Why Not 100?
No post in forever...but this is very funny to me.
I check a job site every day called realitystaff.com. 90% of the jobs in reality are from people you've worked for in the past, or friends tell you about something staffing up..sometimes however you can get lucky and get a hit on here.
"Recuiters" are the foot soldiers of reality casting. They're a little bit below Production Assistant, and they're fired like cannon fodder every day. And sometimes, it's not really their fault. They have a really hard job...cold stone approaching strangers on the street and hassling them to be on a TV show.
You'll do this throughout your casting career, but recruiters ONLY do this...and it sucks donkey balls.
Now some Casting Producers will require a daily quota from their recruiters. I understand the need, even though I personally don't do it. Either way, finding people for a show where they can WIN MONEY is harder than you'd think, much less a show where they don't stand to gain much. So quotas should be realistic...obtainable.
I saw this posting on realitystaff today and quite literally "loled". (bold in the description is mine).
job title: Casting Associate (Recruiter)
job start: December 2 job end: December 23
total weeks: 3
show name: XXXXXXXX
network: ABC
company: Confidential
location: Los Angeles
job description:
Seeking strong CASTING RECRUITERS to find families for ABC's "XXXXXXXX"
Job description:
*Follow assigned recruiting agenda and attend recommended events/family venues
*Scout family-friendly locations for families qualified for "XXXXX"
*Meet 10 families/day quota
Rate is $115/day based on meeting 10/day quota
PLEASE NOTE: Seeking confident and experienced recruiters only. We typically recruit weekends so this can make for some great extra income.
Ten. Families. A Day.
I would expect to somebody who's never worked a single day in reality TV knows this number is nonsense. And since I know the hummingbird attention-span type of person this sort of request comes from, I wonder why they didn't make it 20 families a day, hell...why not 100?
I XXXXed out the name of the show incase some google miracle happens, and somebody in casting found this post. Not like I'm dying to work on this show, but a gig is a gig.
But this casting director is either in love with torturing recruiters, or firing them.