While this is sad, it's also of interest to those who watch THE WIRE.
It's also a reminder of the perpetual state of terrified racism the media is caught in. A school shooting (read: white) is always national news, but four killings a day in Baltimore is par for the course.
They're stuck in a bit of a pickle. Being a racist is worst that the Holocaust, raping kids and letting Aaron Sorkin write combined. So they won't show the rate of murder in the most decayed urban areas, which is appalling.
However, by concentrating on the school shootings so much, they appear to "not care" about black murders. I'm sure they care, or at least think they care but don't want to show those communities or neighborhoods in a bad light. I can understand that, because who really thinks south Detroit or West Baltimore is a great vacation spot?
If journalists on a whole would be a little more intellectually honest (there are some obviously) they'd start applying the "Why did this happen" line of questioning to both situations, not just the crazed lone gunman.
As long as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are filling their pockets by blaming whitey for inner city decay, no real questions are ever going to be asked.
The guys that write THE WIRE should probably run the city of Baltimore...