I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

King of his Castle

This is both funny and sad on several levels.

With this much time and politicized of the event now 10 years gone, no serious person could still claim that the police did much wrong that night. I won't get into all the particulars, but CNN never showed the whole tape, he was known to the LAPD, the speed and recklessness of the chase was rarely addressed, and the police didn't touch the other black people in his car. And as we now know, King has been arrested multiple times since that day.

All I really wanted to talk about was this;
King is accused of threatening to kill his 23-year-old daughter and her mother after the two got in a fight with King's current girlfriend. All three women live in King's home.

Read that last bit again; All three women live in King's home.

If this had been the first time I'd ever heard of King I would stand dumbfounded and drop-jawed at the notion of having that combination of people living in his house.

More accurately, he lives with his baby girl, his baby momma and his boo.*

I don't know how long he's had this living arrangement, but it can only end in tragedy.

Of course, when some combination of these four people actually shoot and kill each other, the tragedy + time = comedy formula will have it's very foundation tested as the speed of the comedy will reach critical mass.

This is my meanest post ever.

* baby momma and boo joke provided by Jami Geer.