I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Wiped Out

I returned from Gen Con late Sunday night. While I had a fantastic time with friends and some luck in business (I sold about 140 shirts) I came back sick as a dog.

I can't remember the last time I was this sick. I am an amusement park of mucus and light-headedness.

Mostly, I wanted to post about the Con, and how fun it was. I took part in a couple tournaments, one of which was memorable due to the appropriate and expected cheating of a 16 year-old, snotty French kid.

I also went to several industry parties. These parties had free booze for those in the know and I, unfortunately, was in the know. Drinking four nights in a row and sleeping very little MAY have had something to do with my getting sick. I guess we'll never know.

So I will post in detail about the cheating frog and other con-related subjects very soon.

Finally, I will address my weakness for kitschy theatrics in rock, and plug Gogol Bordello, a "gypsy punk" act with a flair for the eccentric.

PS- I'm treating my plegmy self with Dayquil, cough drops, vitamin C and zinc. Does any else have any "quick fix" treatments?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Me Likey Drinky

I drank several glasses of Wild Turkey and Coke last night. It made my head all dizzy, and everyone was suddenly a little more attractive. Even me!

I discovered that drinking Wild Turkey turns me into quite the charming rogue! Everyone was laughing and clapping their hands on each other's backs like they were old friends or we had just won the War.

My friends Cordell and Jeff also drank. They became more interesting and very funny themselves while drinking. It was very fun.

Some people did not have so much fun. There was a girl at the bar next to us that enjoyed SO many beverages, she fell right out of her seat. That must have hurt! Some nice men came in a loud red and white truck and took her away on a tiny bed. I think they were going to take some of the yummy liquor back out of her body with a tube.

After meeting some funny guys from merry ole' England who were also drunk (but in Britain, they call it "pissed"!) we eventually went to get some food. You're not allowed to drink out on the street, so I smuggled some more Wild Turkey outside the bar...in my tummy!

The nice foreign man at the pizza place near all the bars somehow KNEW that we'd had some drinky-poohs. He must have some strange power that only people from his country have that tells them that people have been sipping the fun juice.

That, or he saw me walk into the wall trying to enter his pizza-pie establishment.

After some pizza and a few glasses of water (or as I like to call it, "not-fun juice"), we called it a night and went home.

All in all, I'd say that alky-hol is a terrific beverage. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend getting some and drinking it with other people.