I will talk about stuff that happens to me. And comment on things that I like and don't like. Fuck stuff you like.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Why Not 100?

No post in forever...but this is very funny to me.

I check a job site every day called realitystaff.com. 90% of the jobs in reality are from people you've worked for in the past, or friends tell you about something staffing up..sometimes however you can get lucky and get a hit on here.

"Recuiters" are the foot soldiers of reality casting. They're a little bit below Production Assistant, and they're fired like cannon fodder every day. And sometimes, it's not really their fault. They have a really hard job...cold stone approaching strangers on the street and hassling them to be on a TV show.

You'll do this throughout your casting career, but recruiters ONLY do this...and it sucks donkey balls.

Now some Casting Producers will require a daily quota from their recruiters. I understand the need, even though I personally don't do it. Either way, finding people for a show where they can WIN MONEY is harder than you'd think, much less a show where they don't stand to gain much. So quotas should be realistic...obtainable.

I saw this posting on realitystaff today and quite literally "loled". (bold in the description is mine).

job title: Casting Associate (Recruiter)
job start: December 2 job end: December 23
total weeks: 3
show name: XXXXXXXX
network: ABC
company: Confidential
location: Los Angeles
job description:
Seeking strong CASTING RECRUITERS to find families for ABC's "XXXXXXXX"

Job description:
*Follow assigned recruiting agenda and attend recommended events/family venues

*Scout family-friendly locations for families qualified for "XXXXX"

*Meet 10 families/day quota

Rate is $115/day based on meeting 10/day quota
PLEASE NOTE: Seeking confident and experienced recruiters only. We typically recruit weekends so this can make for some great extra income.

Ten. Families. A Day.
I would expect to somebody who's never worked a single day in reality TV knows this number is nonsense. And since I know the hummingbird attention-span type of person this sort of request comes from, I wonder why they didn't make it 20 families a day, hell...why not 100?

I XXXXed out the name of the show incase some google miracle happens, and somebody in casting found this post. Not like I'm dying to work on this show, but a gig is a gig.

But this casting director is either in love with torturing recruiters, or firing them.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What I do...

...is so mind-bogglingly fucked up. The process makes great sense to a certain point.

I will put up a blog of examples very soon. Today I've experienced frustration beyond anything else I've seen thus far in "Hollywood".

We can only hope that studios and networks go down in giant balls of flame to make way for smaller, more creative, and mobile entities to make our entertainment.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Note the time stamp....

I dare not put this on my facebook, or even myspace, but I had to get it in print right away;

I feel a great disturbance in the force. As if thousands of 8 year-old's buttholes cried out with a sigh of relief.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

LA by Cell Phone 4

This is the greeter at the Abercrombie at the Grove on Fairfax. Makes sense. I always want to see a bare-chested twink when I buy jeans.

This is the greeter at the Abercrombie in the Grove with Dan Dominguez. It makes no sense.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Important Intertubes "News"

So this is probably ancient history for the intertubes experts, but this is the best thing I've ever found for music;

Make yer own radidio!

Link goes straight to my "station". I've only added about 20 groups so far.

It's amazing.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tee-Vee Funnies

I'm interrupting "LA by Cell Phone" to bring... (who...anybody?...nobody is reading since I quit several months ago) you this tidbit;

I was in a pre-production meeting yesterday for an awards show I'm working on. It's not one of the "Big Ones", but looks to be a fun cute little awards show.
Since it's not one of the "Big Ones" it's star power is set to "stun", not "kill".

Long story short, I heard the name Tom Bergeron more times in two hours than Tom's agent has heard it in 5 years.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

LA by cell phone 3

This is a pregnancy test I saw on the sidewalk in Hollywood. Look closely...it's positive. I'd pay cash money to know how it got there.